
What is befriending?


In order to tackle loneliness and isolation, The No.1 Befriending Agency runs a befriending service where trained volunteers visit isolated older people and spend some time with them to have a wee chatter, a cup of tea, and to hear their stories.

Our 12-week befriending service offers service users the opportunity to be paired with dedicated volunteers who commit to visiting them once a week for an hour.

Befriending visits are tremendously helpful in battling the problem of loneliness and isolation, because they show people that others care about them and that they have somebody that they can talk to. Befrienders also serve as a link to a wider network of support available for vulnerable people and can ring the alarm bells if, for example, a person experiences any undue harm. For people without family members close by, this support can be invaluable.

Our group befriending, in which volunteers and befriendees can mingle, takes place on our monthly Cup of Friendship events. These events are geared towards people who could not otherwise experience going out of the house.

Know someone who could benefit from our services? Consult our Referral Guidelines . You can request a referral form at or fill our our referral form online here.


Who do we support?


We support people in Greater Glasgow, who live alone and are lonely and/or isolated and are looking for companionship.

In order for service users to be eligible for befriending they must:

  • Be over 65

  • Live alone

  • Live in Glasgow

After every referral, our well-trained Volunteer Coordinators visit each potential client to assess whether they would really benefit from befriending. We never let anybody “hanging”: if somebody is deemed not suitable, we try to find other, more suitable options for them in discussion with the referring agency. If we can support them, we will give them a call to arrange our initial visit.

During the visit we get to know the service user and encourage them to set a goal that they would like to achieve during the befriending visits. These goals could be:

  • Going on a walk with their befriender

  • Getting connected digitally

  • Increasing their confidence

  • Being more active (e.g. armchair exercises)

We get to know the service users and volunteers really well so that we can match them up with someone who we think they will get along with well.

During the 12 week match they will be called regularly to check how they are doing and finding the service. Once the 12 week match is finished they will have access to our virtual and in-person events for a year.


Does befriending really make a difference?


Research shows that befriending helps people reconnect with their community and reduce loneliness. For more information, you can read this report by Age UK.


How can I refer someone for befriending?


If you would like to refer somebody for our services, please consult our Referral Guidelines . You can request a referral form at or fill our our referral form online here.

Any further questions about befriending?

Visit our FAQ section to find out more.

Volunteer With Us

At  The No.1 Befriending Agency, we recognise that when you volunteer one hour of your time, you positively tranform two lives, both yours and your befriendee's! Our volunteers are making a real, invaluable impact on the lives of lonely and isolated people, while developing key skills and engaging in rewarding, meaningful work.

“The visits really cheer my mom up, she has something to look forward to during the week and they keep her from getting depressed. I think they have a lot of fun together, and she taught her befriender how to make pancakes.”